Privacy and Security News and Tips 20160705

On the soft bed of luxury many kingdoms have expired.Andrew Young

Weekly Tip

Protecting your Personally Identifiable Information

As time progresses and smartphone technology advances, we become ever more reliant on the power and presence of the computer we carry in our pockets. With everything it does and contains it is truly indispensable in so many ways that if we were to lose it or have it compromised we would be in dire straights.
Beyond the standard ideas of a secure pin or passcode of at least six characters and locking your device when you are not using it, there are other things to consider. One piece that many people do not think about is the authenticity and reliability of the software they install. Do you? All of the different phone platforms have an app store, and their own standards and rules for getting an app in the store. This does not always protect you as the user, and some platforms allow you to add apps from alternative sources. All of this opens us up to the chance of getting infected with malware. An application I have been happy with and been using for years is Lookout. They were recently featured on 60 minutes in a great piece about cell phone hacking. They watch and protect against malware, offer a tracking and alert option, and also a backup option for your contacts, all in the free version (iOS and Android).

There are many options and settings for protecting your phones no matter the platform or data you store and consume, so make sure to research and determine your particular needs. Remember, it is your privacy and your security at stake so it is your responsibility to make sure that anyone that wants to affect that is hindered to the best of your ability or those you enlist to aid you in this important endeavor.

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